
Continuous braking on a winding descent can cause:

  • Over heating and weaker braking than normal.
  • Over heating and stronger braking than normal.
  • Cooling of the breaks and weak braking.
  • Continuous braking has no negative affect.
Category : Safety


What is the advantage of driving at a low speed during dangerous situations?

  • The driver’s reacting time is longer and he has enough time for making the right decisions.
  • The driver’s reacting, braking and stopping times are all longer, and therefore safety is improved.
  • The drrivers quicker reaction, braking and stopping times are all shorter.
  • The driver’s reacting time is longer and is sufficient for stopping.
Category : Safety


How is a driver required to conduct himself when intending to overtake a school transport bus that stopped to pick-up and let down children?

  • Overtake the bus quickly, according to the customary overtaking stages.
  • Stop behind the bus and then overtake it.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop.
  • Honk continuously and overtake.
Category : Safety


How can we overcome the problem of tiredness whilst driving?

  • By driving faster to shorten your journey and arrive home early.
  • Black coffee is the solution for all problems.
  • A short break and a heavy meal will drive the tiredness away for a long time.
  • By having adequate rest before driving and making rest and refreshment breaks during your journey.
Category : Safety


What limitations does a driver experience while driving in reverse?

  • Limited field of vision and uncomfortable vehicle operation.
  • An experienced driver has no limitations while driving in reverse.
  • It is hard to control the braking system while driving fast and needing to operate many systems.
  • Driving in reverse takes more time.
Category : Safety


According to the following picture you are obliged to:

  • Stop.
  • Slow down.
  • Accelerate.
  • Honk.
Category : Safety


Which action should be taken after the tool is harnessed to the hydraulic lift arms?

  • Lifting the tool a few times to maximum height in order to ensure that the tool is properly harnessed.
  • Preventing vertical freedom of movement of the arms and of the tool.
  • Preventing horizontal freedom of movement of the arms and of the tool.
  • Securing the harnessed tool with special security chains.
Category : Safety


When is it permitted to pass more than one vehicle during one overtaking maneuver?

  • It is permitted in a straight and level roadway only, and prohibited in any other type of road.
  • Never: You are lawfully obliged to overtake only one vehicle during an overtaking maneuver, and to return to the right lane.
  • When overtaking is not restricted, and there is enough space in the overtaking lane for safe completion of the overtaking maneuver.
  • It is permitted when you overtake small vehicles only, and prohibited when you overtake big vehicles.
Category : Safety


What would happen if the weight exerted on the tractor’s rear hydraulic arms is too high or far away from the tractor?

  • The front wheels would lift in the air.
  • The pressure and load would cause the tractor’s rear wheels to explode.
  • The heavy load would damage the hydraulic system.
  • The tractor chassis might be seriously damaged.
Category : Safety


What are we required to ensure before starting to drive?

  • That the fuel and oil types are those required for the proper operation of the vehicle.
  • That we can operate and use the vehicle proficiently.
  • That the vehicle has spare bulbs and fuses.
  • That the vehicle received all the treatment necessary for its current maintenance.
Category : Safety


Choose the only correct sentence:

  • The braking distance is always greater than the stopping distance.
  • The braking distance always equals the response distance.
  • The response distance is always longer than the braking distance
  • The stopping distance is always greater than the braking distance.
Category : Safety


While turning, what natural force pushes the vehicle against the direction of the turn?

  • Gravity.
  • Centrifugal force.
  • The force of inertia.
  • None of the natural forces affect the vehicle while turning.
Category : Safety


How will a dirty front lamp influence night driving?

  • It will affect the field of vision.
  • The field of vision will grow.
  • It will cause a dazzeling (blinding).
  • Dirt will have no affect on the rider ability to recognize problems.
Category : Safety


How can we avoid danger when we start driving and when we merge with traffic?

  • Danger can be prevented by turning on all the distress signals and warn other drivers while merging with traffic.
  • Danger can be prevented by driving diagonally and at a higher speed while merging with traffic.
  • By quickly entering the lane in which traffic is flowing.
  • By giving an appropriate signal with the winker, looking in all directions and waiting until no one is obstructed.before driving.
Category : Safety


How would you release the hydraulic oil pressure before disconnecting the supply piping from the tractor’s attachment or additional equipment?

  • There are specific drainage taps for this purpose. They should be opened for a few seconds.
  • Move the operation lever in all directions when the engine is off.
  • Turn off the engine, wait a few minutes and only then disconnect the piping.
  • Connect the pressure discharge passage between the supply line and the return line.
Category : Safety


What should you do when you are about to start driving after stopping or parking at the side of the roadway?

  • You should signal with your left hand and swiftly merge with traffic. .
  • You should, before starting to drive, signal and then get on the road quickly.
  • Make a left-signal and drive. The other vehicle should give you right-of-way.
  • You should signal appropriately and ensure that you can merge with the traffic without endangering other road users.
Category : Safety


A driver approaches a pedestrian crossing marked on the road.Although ther are no pedestrians on the crossing. The driver should,

  • Slow down to ensure that there no pedestrians in the vicinity.
  • Pass with caution but no need to slow down.
  • Accelerate before pedestrians arrive
  • Sound the horn and accelerate to clear the crossing
Category : Safety


When is it obligatory to install a spark protector on a tractor?

  • When the tractor has an upper exhaust pipe.
  • When the engine’s mechanical condition is relatively poor.
  • When the tractor has an open exhaust pipe.
  • When the tractor has a lower exhaust pipe.
Category : Safety


What is the relation between the vehicles speed and the vehicle’s stopping distance?

  • The higher the vehicle’s speed is, the shorter is its stopping distance.
  • There is no relation between them. The stopping distance is constant and does not depend on the vehicle’s speed.
  • The slower the vehicle’s speed is, the longer is the braking distance.
  • The higher the vehicle’s speed is, the longer is its stopping distance.
Category : Safety


What is the correct way for pulling onto a “hard shoulder” which is lower than the road?

  • Quickly pulling onto the “hard shoulder” and quickly stopping after a very short distance.
  • Slowing down to a low speed and gradually moving onto the “hard shoulder”.
  • There is no "correct way": It is prohibited to pull onto a lower hard shoulder.
  • Quickly pulling onto the “hard shoulder” and then slowing down gradually.
Category : Safety


How can a driver handle the many tasks he needs to perform when approaching an intersection?

  • Warn other road users that he is approaching the intersection (by honking and signaling).
  • Ignore other road users; especially those smaller than him.
  • Drive faster in order to cross the intersection more quickly.
  • Slow down before the intersection, look around, and avoid engaging in any activity other than driving.
Category : Safety


What are the components of the stopping distance?

  • The sum of the braking distance and the gap from the vehicle in front.
  • The average of the driver’s braking distance and reaction distance.
  • The sum of the reaction time and of the braking distance.
  • The sum of the decision distance and the execution distance of a reasonable driver.
Category : Safety


What is the most important principle when turning right in an intersection?

  • To start and to complete the turn close to the right edge of the road.
  • To stay away from the road’s right edge.
  • To turn as far as possible from the right sidewalk.
  • To enter and exit the intersection in a wide arc to the center of the roadway.
Category : Safety


What are we required to see in the outer side mirrors of the vehicle?

  • The tip of the vehicle’s side body and the road at the sides of the vehicle.
  • Any moving vehicle to the right of our vehicle.
  • Any vehicle to the left of our vehicle, including pedestrians.
  • The back wheel and the area in front of it.
Category : Safety


When you are overtaking another vehicle on a two-lane two-way roadway:

  • Don’t worry: The overtaken vehicle should deviate to the right and allow you to overtake it easily.
  • You are commiting a traffic violation! This type of overtaking is illegal.
  • You take a risk of another vehicle appearing in the opposite lane.
  • This type of overtaking usually last 30 seconds.
Category : Safety


It is prohibited to drive too close to the vehicle in front of you:

  • During the dark only.
  • Only when the weight of the vehicle in front is more than 4 tons.
  • On a steep descent and only after a “dangerous descent” sign.
  • Because it might brake suddenly.
Category : Safety


How should the driver of the silver vehicle respond, when the driver of the dark vehicle wants to park his vehicle in reverse between two vehicles next to the sidewalk?

  • Enter the parking by himself and prevent the driver of the dark vehicle from parking.
  • Slow down or even stop and allow the driver of the dark vehicle to finish parking.
  • Continue driving normally, as if he did not identify the intentions of the other driver.
  • Drive closer to the dark vehicle, honk, and overtake it quickly.
Category : Safety


What is the best way to reduce the dangers whilst driving in reverse?

  • By taking a proper and continuous all round view and by driving slowly.
  • By driving fast and finishing the drive backwards as quickly as possible.
  • By turning on the vehicle’s lights.
  • By letting all the passengers off the vehicle while driving backwards.
Category : Safety


What should you do when your driving lane is blocked by the double-parked silver vehicle (marked with a circle)?

  • Slow down, allow the vehicle coming from the opposite direction to pass undisturbed, and then overtake the parked vehicle.
  • Signal with your headlight to the vehicle coming from the opposite direction and swerve quickly to the opposite lane, before it arrives
  • Stop behind the silver vehicle and wait for a policeman or an inspector.
  • Overtake the silver vehicle through the gap between it and the vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Category : Safety


How does a multitude of traffic signs before an intersection affect the driver’s response?

  • The driver is forced to slow down in order to identify the signs and obey their demands.
  • A multitude of traffic signs always confuses the driver.
  • A multitude of traffic signs will cause the driver to think faster in the intersection.
  • A multitude of traffic signs should not affect the driver’s conduct when approaching an intersection.
Category : Safety

Theory test for tractors

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed