
What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Caution, bicycle traffic ahead.
  • Path for bicycles only.
  • One-way lane for bicycles.
  • End of bicycle lane.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are the components of the stopping distance?

  • The sum of the braking distance and the gap from the vehicle in front.
  • The average of the driver’s braking distance and reaction distance.
  • The sum of the reaction time and of the braking distance.
  • The sum of the decision distance and the execution distance of a reasonable driver.
Category : Safety


It is prohibited to stop, park or stand a vehicle on or before a pedestrian crossing, within a distance of:

  • 20 meters from the crossing.
  • 15 meters from the crossing.
  • 12 meters from the crossing.
  • 24 meters from the crossing.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • You may pass the marked place from either its right or left.
  • Pass the place that is marked with a signpost from its right.
  • No right or left turn.
  • It is prohibited to drive forward.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • It is prohibited to pass to the adjacent left or right lane. You must continue in your curremt lane.
  • Only two-wheelers are permitted to drive in this lane.
  • 4-way intersection ahead.
  • Lane closed. No driving in this lane.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Entry is permitted for pedestrians only.
  • Children are not allowed to play here.
  • No entry for pedestrians, including the “hard shoulders”.
  • Careful! Pedestrians nearby.
Category : Traffic Signs


Whilst driving on a rough road, you should:

  • Slow down and increase your alertness.
  • Hold your foot on the clutch pedal continuously to ensure smooth driving.
  • Hold your foot on the brake pedal, to be instantly prepared for any occurrence.
  • Drive faster to avoid shakings and pits.
Category : Safety


What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

  • Slow down and prepare for a possible stop if necessary, before the railway tracks.
  • Stop 2 meters before the railway tracks and check if a train is approaching.
  • Drive faster and quickly cross the railway tracks.
  • If you see the train’s lights, stop 30 meters before the railway tracks.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you required to do when the following road sign is placed?

  • Whoever drives straight shall continue driving and make sure that vehicles approaching the straight roadway give him right-of-way.
  • Always stop before the intersection and give right-of-way to vehicles which come from the right and intend to turn left.
  • Give right-of-way according to the accepted right-of-way rules and to the traffic signs that are placed at the junction.
  • Slow down and give right-of-way to vehicles approaching the intersection from your front.
Category : Traffic Signs


How should a driver conduct himself when another vehicle suddenly emerges in his driving lane from the opposite direction, heading towards him?

  • Swerve to the left and drive on the opposite lane, which is currently free.
  • Honk and signal the other driver to get back to his lane.
  • Slow down, pull as far right as possible and even pull onto the “hard shoulder” if necessary.
  • Turn on his high beam and signal the other driver to get back to his lane.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When you are driving behind another vehicle:

  • While driving uphill – keep a small distance; while driving downhill – keep double distance.
  • Keep a safe distance from the vehicle in front of you, to prevent an accident.
  • Keep a smaller distance from the vehicle in front of you.
  • Keep a larger distance from the vehicle in front of you only when a “general danger” road sign is placed.
Category : Safety


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Two-way traffic ahead.
  • You have right-of-way over vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.
  • The number of lanes is increasing.
  • You are permitted to use all lanes.
Category : Traffic Signs


The grade of license required to drive a commercial vehicle weighing more than 3500 kilogram, attached to a trailer with weight of 4000 kilogram:

  • C1.
  • C+E.
  • D.
  • B.
Category : Rules and Regulations


How can a driver handle the many tasks he needs to perform when approaching an intersection?

  • Warn other road users that he is approaching the intersection (by honking and signaling).
  • Ignore other road users; especially those smaller than him.
  • Drive faster in order to cross the intersection more quickly.
  • Slow down before the intersection, look around, and avoid engaging in any activity other than driving.
Category : Safety


What is a driver always required to do when another vehicle “sits on his tail”?

  • Step on the brake pedal abruptly and continuously.
  • Verify that the distance he keeps from the vehicle driving in front will allow him to brake moderately and avoid the risk of a collision from behind.
  • You have nothing to do. The one driving behind is always found guilty in case of an accident.
  • Accelerate immediately and increase the distance from the vehicle behind.
Category : Safety


How should you conduct yourself when a “stop” sign is placed before a railway crossing?

  • You must stop when an approaching train is seen or heard.
  • You have to stop during the night. There is no obligation to stop during the day.
  • Stop the vehicle, turn off the radio, television or tape set, and open the window next to you.
  • Stop, as in any other place in which a “stop” sign is placed, and then continue driving.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When is it permitted to turn left, from a lane other than the left lane?

  • It is permitted when two or more left turn lanes are marked on the roadway.
  • It is only permitted from a one-way road to another one-way road.
  • It is permitted in an intersection with traffic lights only.
  • It is prohibited to turn.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is a driver required to do when he feels tired during night-driving?

  • Search for a safe place to rest and take a light nap where he doesn’t disturb traffic.
  • Listen to the radio, but avoid relaxing music.
  • Open the window next to him, to allow air flow in.
  • Eat a heavy meal and avoid drinking.
Category : Safety


Are we permitted to ride or drive a vehicle when part of our body is sticking out of the vehicle?

  • It is forbidden, except on a motorbike.
  • It is only permitted for adult passengers.
  • Yes, when driving on dirt roads.
  • Yes, in a collector’s vehicle only.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the maximum cargo height, from the road’s surface, that is allowed to be transported in a vehicle of an overall permissible weight of 8000kg – 15,000kg?

  • Four meters.
  • 4.80 meters.
  • There is no height limit.
  • Three meters.
Category : Rules and Regulations


How should drivers conduct themselves while driving opposite one another in a narrow and flat road?

  • The driver of the bigger vehicle shall increase his speed and pass the narrow part first.
  • According to the accepted conduct in that road.
  • The driver of the bigger vehicle shall stop and allow the other vehicle to continue driving through the narrow part.
  • Slow down and divert their vehicle to the roadway’s edge, , to avoid collision.
Category : Rules and Regulations


It is prohibited to stand or park a vehicle on a road, if the vehicle’s width is more than:

  • 4.80 meters.
  • 2.25 meters.
  • 2.10 meters.
  • 2.50 meters.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the risk in shifting gears while driving a heavy vehicle down a steep descent?

  • There is no risk in shifting gears, and gears are not so important, as long as one of them is operated.
  • Shifting gears while driving down a steep descent is not dangerous.
  • There is no danger. By shifting from low gear to high gear while driving on a steep descent, the vehicle can drive faster.
  • There is a risk that the gear would not shift and the vehicle would stay in neutral gear.
Category : Safety


In a vehicle that has an overall width of 210 centimeters or more and that is lawfully equipped with side lamps:

  • The driver must turn-on the side lamps during “light time”.
  • The driver must turn-on the side lamps in an inter-urban road only.
  • The driver doesn’t have to turn-on the side lamps during ‘light time”.
  • It is allowed to drive at any time, even if the side lamps are out of order.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it obligatory to obey the directions and signals of a policeman in uniform?

  • Yes, always, while taking extra precautions
  • No, only to the directions of a traffic policeman
  • No, only if the policeman is on duty
  • Yes, only as regards to traffic directions
Category : Rules and Regulations


What are you required to do when you come across this traffic sign?

  • Pass the signpost on the left only.
  • You are permitted to pass the place marked by the signpost on the right or left.
  • Pass the signpost from the right. Only public transportation drivers are permitted to pass the signpost on the left.
  • Give right-of-way to crossing traffic in the roundabout.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Path for bicycles and motorcycles.
  • Path for bicycles only.
  • One-way lane for bicycle.
  • No entrance for bicycles.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

  • Continue driving, pay attention to vehicles merging from your left.
  • Change lane and allow approaching vehicles from the right to merge.
  • Give right-of-way to vehicles merging from your right.
  • Slow down and give right-of-way to vehicles merging from your right.
Category : Traffic Signs


Wearing a seat belt as required:

  • Keeps the driver in an upright sitting position;
  • Reduces the extent of injury during an accident.
  • Keeps the driver alert.
  • Reduces the driver’s movement in his seat and prevents accidents.
Category : Know Your Vehicle


How should a driver conduct himself when noticing a “security vehicle”?

  • Slow down, divert to the road’s right edge and continue driving normally.
  • Divert his vehicle to the right, as close as possible to the road’s edge, give right-of-way and stop if necessary a distance from an intersection.
  • Mount the sidewalk and stop there.
  • Drive closely behind the security vehicle and keep a constant distance of two seconds from it.
Category : Rules and Regulations

Theory test for heavy trucksŸ

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed