
While overtaking or passing by another vehicle:

  • It is permitted to pass the speed limit for a moment, if necessary.
  • You should drive precisely at the same speed as the overtaken vehicle.
  • It is prohibited to drive over the speed limit.
  • You should drive 10 k.p.h slower than the overtaken vehicle.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it permitted to stop or park a vehicle after a pedestrian crossing?

  • It is only allowed at night.
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • It is forbidden within a distance of twelve meters after the pedestrian crossing.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When are we not obligated to drive in the right lane?

  • Whilst overtaking another vehicle.
  • When another vehicle overtakes us from the left on a two-lane roadway.
  • When we pass another vehicle from its right side.
  • When another vehicle in front of us signals about its intention to start driving on the roadway’s left side.
Category : Rules and Regulations


In what condition should the driver and vehicle’s document be kept?

  • The law doesn’t provide any explicit reference to this issue
  • It is enough if they are stainless and have a clear photo.
  • They should be kept at home, clean and readable at all times.
  • They should always be kept inside the car, clean and readable
Category : Rules and Regulations


You are driving in vehicle no. 3. To which of the following vehicles are you required to give right-of-way?

  • To the blue vehicle (1).
  • To the red vehicle (2).
  • To the red vehicle (2) first and then to the blue vehicle (1).
  • To neither of them: You have right-of-way over all the rest (3).
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it permitted to park a vehicle on the left side of a two-way street?

  • Yes, provided that it is parked close to the sidewalk.
  • It is forbidden.
  • Yes - in a street with at least three lanes.
  • Yes - in a street that is wider than 8 meters.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Define “built dividing area”:

  • A separation area which divides the road lengthwise by means of an elevated structure above the road way
  • The area along a roadway, in which road users can stop, park their vehicles or stand in for refreshment
  • Any area that is marked on the road on which it is forbidden to drive
  • Any part of the road (pavement, hard shoulder, traffic island) which is elevated above the road way.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Which vehicles are permitted to enter a freeway?

  • Only private motor vehicles.
  • Every motor and non-motor vehicle.
  • A motor vehicle which is permitted and capable of driving at the speed that is indicated on the road sign.
  • Every motor vehicle, except for heavy trucks which might disturb traffic due to their low speed.
Category : Rules and Regulations


According to the driving work hours’ regulation, can freight-handling be accounted as driving?

  • No. Other than breaks and waiting periods, all other vehicle related activities are not accounted as driving.
  • Yes. Freight handling, arranging, loading and unloading is lawfully accounted as driving hours.
  • Yes, but not more than one hour a day.
  • No. Only actual driving, and not any other vehicle related action, is accounted as driving.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it permitted to have an excessive cargo length from the front or from the rear of a vehicle with an overall permissible weight of more than 15,000kg?

  • It is allowed from the vehicle’s rear, and there is no length limit.
  • No, unless it is approved by a police officer.
  • Yes, along the vehicle’s width only, and provided that a “Warning, wide cargo” sign is placed.
  • Yes, provided that the cargo is one length unit and that the excessive length is up to one third of the loading platform.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When are we not obligated to drive a private passenger car in the right lane?

  • When another vehicle overtakes us from the left.
  • When you pass another vehicle from its right side.
  • When the right lane is designated for another type of road users (e.g. public transportation lane).
  • When another vehicle that is driving on the left side of the road signals about its intention to start drive.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When is it prohibited to stop or park a vehicle?

  • Besides blue-white painted curbstones?.
  • When the vehicle is parked in the left lane of a one-way urban road.
  • When the vehicle obstructs the traffic or blocks a road sign.
  • When the vehicle is not locked.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Under what conditions can a person be denied the right to obtain or renew his driver’s license?

  • If the applicant for a driver’s license is illiterate.
  • If he served a prison term of one year due to drunk driving prior to the submission of his license application.
  • If he is a new immigrant from a country which doesn’t have customary traffic rules.
  • If he is disqualified from driving or if he suffers from health problems which might endanger himself or others..
Category : Rules and Regulations


While driving during “lighting up time” in a vehicle with an overall width of 220 cm, is it obligatory to turn-on the “Extremity“ side lights?

  • Yes.
  • No, the side lights are to be used for warning when the vehicle malfunctions and stands on the road.
  • Yes, but only from November 1st until March 31st of the following year
  • No, the side lights should only be turned-on while the vehicle is standing for any reason.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When is it permitted to make a left U-turn in an intersection without traffic lights?

  • Only vehicles driving on more than two wheels are permitted to make the U-turn.
  • Only when the turn can be made from the right side of the road, and can be completed without stopping.
  • Only when the vehicle is directed by another person.
  • When no obstruction to traffic is caused, field of vision is clear and there is no prohibiting road sign.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is a driver of a vehicle carrying oversize freight required to do when due to road conditions he cannot be overtaken by other drivers?

  • Drive until the nearest parking bay or bus station bay and stop to allow other vehicles to overtake him.
  • Turn on the four distress winkers, and continue driving on the right of the road way.
  • Swerve his vehicle as far to the right of the roadway as possible, but avoid pulling into the “hard shoulder” because the vehicle’s weight might cause the “shoulder” to collapse.
  • Slow down and, if necessary, pull into the “hard shoulder” and even stop, to allow the vehicles behind him to overtake safely.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What action can be taken by a policeman when he finds that a commercial vehicle has an excessive cargo weight?

  • Give the driver a notice that his vehicle is taken off the road for a period of 90 days.
  • Order the driver to go back immediately to the cargo loading point and unload all the cargo he carries.
  • Bring the vehicle’s owner to the nearest Licensing Office and revoke his driver’s license for a period of 30 days.
  • Give the driver a notice that his vehicle is taken off the road for a period of 30 days.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the maximum permitted freight height during bulk transportation?

  • The freight should be one meter lower than the height of the wall, to prevent freight dispersion over the road.
  • The freight’s height is not important as long as it is covered according to regulations.
  • The freight or any part of it should not be higher than the sides of the vehicle or ladders that were legally installed.
  • The freight’s height should not be more than 480 cm, and it should be covered.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Which of the following vehicles may enter the intersection first?

  • The cyclist (2).
  • The closest vehicle to the intersection.
  • The yellow bus (1)
  • The vehicle turning left (3).
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is a reasonable vehicle speed?

  • On paved roads – 80KpH; on dirt roads – 40KpH.
  • The maximum speed the vehicle can reach under the existing circumstances.
  • A reasonable speed which, considering all the road conditions, and road signs allows the driver to control the vehicle
  • Any speed, as long as the driver fully controls the vehicle.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When is it permitted to overtake a vehicle on its right side?

  • When the other vehicle drives in the right lane and signals left.
  • When the other vehicle indicates and positions itself to turn left.
  • When there is an open lane to the right of the other vehicle.
  • When the other vehicle is in the central lane and signals right.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is a “freight container”?

  • Shipment tank or box used for transporting goods, equipped with a twist anchor bolt and of a maximum width of 250 cm.
  • Double walled metal tank used for transportation of fluids and equipped with a vehicle attachment twist lock.
  • Any fixture with a maximum width of 300 cm, that is separated from the vehicle, used for goods transportation and allows leaving the loading fixture anywhere.
  • Closed square metal box used for goods transportation and equipped with a vehicle attachment twist lock.
Category : Rules and Regulations


How would you mark a commercial vehicle with an all up weight of more than 12,500 kg?

  • With two light-reflecting stripes on the rear bumper.
  • It is not obligatory to mark a vehicle that doesn’t have a rear wall with light reflectors.
  • With two light-reflecting plates in the rear.
  • With 4 light-reflecting stripes, 2 vertical and 2 horizontal.
Category : Rules and Regulations


According to the traffic sign that is placed at the bus station, parking at the bus station is permitted on Saturdays and holidays:

  • For private vehicles only.
  • For motorcycles only.
  • For slow vehicles only.
  • For commercial vehicles only.
Category : Rules and Regulations


The all up width of a refrigeration unit commercial vehicle should not exceed:

  • 2.60 meters.
  • 2.50 meters.
  • 3.40 meters.
  • 2.55 meters.
Category : Rules and Regulations


In which cases are you obliged to slow down?

  • You are only obliged to slow down in case of busy traffic.
  • When encountering or overtaking an animal.
  • There is no obligation to slow down. There is an obligation to drive carefully.
  • You are obliged to slow down in an urban road only.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it permitted to open the vehicle’s doors while driving?

  • Yes, provided that you drive slowly.
  • It is absolutely forbidden.
  • Yes, when carrying a long cargo.
  • Yes, when there are no passengers in the vehicle.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the responsibility of the controller of the vehicle as regards to the work and rest hours of the vehicle’s driver?

  • The controller of the vehicle must not permit the vehicle’s driver to exceed statutory work hours.
  • The controller of the vehicle is not responsible for the work and rest hours of the vehicle’s driver. The driver is solely responsible for it.
  • The controller of the vehicle may, under the approval of the safety officer, instruct the driver to exceed statutory driving hours.
  • The controller of the vehicle is responsible, yet the safety officer of a vehicle fleet may adjust the work and rest hours to meet the requirements, regardless of the law.
Category : Rules and Regulations


How many vehicles are allowed to be towed simultaneously by a motor vehicle?

  • One, unless otherwise approved by the Licensing Authority.
  • Two, provided that their overall length does not exceed fifteen meters.
  • Two, unless otherwise approved by the Licensing Authority.
  • Only one and there is no possibility to approve more than one.
Category : Rules and Regulations


How would we mark a vehicle that escorts a vehicle carrying oversize freight?

  • With a “careful, oversize freight” sign on the front of the escorting vehicle.
  • The escorting vehicle will turn-on its four winkers while driving, and place a “careful oversize freight” on its roof.
  • With “caution oversize freight” signs on the escorting vehicle’s front and on the back of the freight-carrying vehicle, and by mounting a flashing yellow light above the driver’s compartment.
  • With a flickering light and a “careful, oversize freight” sign on the front of the escorting vehicle.
Category : Rules and Regulations

Theory test for heavy trucksŸ

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed