
What should you do when your driving lane is blocked by the double-parked silver vehicle (marked with a circle)?

  • Slow down, allow the vehicle coming from the opposite direction to pass undisturbed, and then overtake the parked vehicle.
  • Signal with your headlight to the vehicle coming from the opposite direction and swerve quickly to the opposite lane, before it arrives
  • Stop behind the silver vehicle and wait for a policeman or an inspector.
  • Overtake the silver vehicle through the gap between it and the vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Category : Safety


In the following picture, the response of the drivers to the vehicle that comes out of parking is unclear. How is the truck driver required to respond to this situation?

  • Slow down and stop if necessary, to verify that the drivers in front of him conduct themselves safely.
  • Stop his vehicle and allow the other vehicle to continue driving.
  • Continue driving and ignore the other exiting vehicle, because the truck has right of passage.
  • Continue driving while honking continuously to alert about an approaching truck.
Category : Safety


What is a driver required to do after driving through a puddle and dampening the brakes?

  • He shouldn’t do anything. There is no connection between water and the braking system.
  • Drive fast to dry the brakes.
  • Tow the vehicle to the nearest garage.
  • Drive very slowly until the brakes dry out and resume normal functioning.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the situation depicted in the following picture?

  • Drive faster and honk to keep the children away from the roadway so you don’t hit them.
  • A pedestrian crossing is not marked on the roadway and no “play street” sign is posted. Continue driving normally.
  • Continue driving. The children shall act responsibly and avoid crossing the road when noticing an approaching vehicle.
  • Glance at the mirrors, slow down, follow the children movement on both sides of the roadway and – if required – stop to avoid endangering them.
Category : Safety


What should a driver do when he approaches a road section on which oil was spilled?

  • Drive faster and avoid stepping on the brake pedal.
  • Slow down as moderately as possible, and avoid heavy l braking.
  • Move the wheel left and right intermittently while driving on the oil.
  • Continue driving normally, because the oil helps to increase tire-road friction.
Category : Safety


What conduct can be expected from the vehicles in the following picture?

  • To slow down at the entry to the sharp curve and keep driving on the far right of the roadway.
  • Only the dark vehicle is obliged to slow down before entering the curve.
  • The white vehicle shall stop on the right side of the road and give right of way to the dark vehicle.
  • The dark vehicle shall stop on the right side of the road and allow the white vehicle to proceed.
Category : Safety


How can we overcome the problem of tiredness while driving?

  • Have an adequate rest before driving and take rest breaks during the journey.
  • A short break and a heavy meal will drive the tiredness away for a long time.
  • Drive slowly until the tiredness passes away.
  • Physical exercise will drive the tiredness away for many hours.
Category : Safety


You arrived to an intersection that is not clear:(free)

  • Stop before the intersection and wait for traffic to clear.
  • You are permitted to turn left, even if the intersection is not clear.
  • If the traffic light is green you may enter the intersection, even when it is not clear.
  • Enter the intersection carefully and wait there for it to clear.
Category : Safety


“Beer is not considered as an alcoholic drink”:

  • Correct. Beer is regarded as an alcoholic drink, but it doesn’t influence driving at all.
  • Incorrect. The influence of beer is similar to that of any other alcoholic drink.
  • Correct. Beer is not regarded as an alcoholic drink.
  • Correct, but the influence of beer is different than that of other alcoholic drinks.
Category : Safety


What are the risks in making a U-turn?

  • Delaying vehicles that are coming from the opposite direction or from behind
  • Colliding with vehicles coming from the opposite direction or from behind.
  • All the answers are correct.
  • Causing an approaching vehicle to make a sudden brake.
Category : Safety


What effect does the distance between vehicles have on the overtaking process?

  • Short distance reduces the field of vision and increases the risk in overtaking.
  • The closer we are to the vehicle in front of us, the safer is the deviation while overtaking.
  • The distance between vehicles has no effect on the safety of overtaking.
  • The closer we are to the vehicle in front of us, the shorter and safer is the overtaking distance.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Cyclists are of no danger to vehicles. Drive normally when they are nearby.
  • The cyclist is not stable and is affected by the fast vehicles passing by. Slow down when approaching him.
  • When passing by cyclists, drive faster to reduce the period of conflict with them.
  • When passing by cyclists, honk a few times to have their attention.
Category : Safety


A road accident is an incident

  • Unintentional, resulting in injury, including the driver, or property damage, or both.
  • An incident that characterizes young drivers only.
  • An incident that can always be prevented.
  • A premeditated incident resulting in property and infrastructure damage only.
Category : Safety


How can a correct grip of the steering wheel help to control the vehicle and to keep it stable?

  • The way you grip the wheel is only important in sharp turns and curves, when the vehicle moves in high speed.
  • Correct wheel grip is only important in big and heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses.
  • In a new-model vehicle, the way we hold the steering wheel is important while driving in sharp curves.
  • A correct grip of the steering wheel allows precise turning of the wheel, thus allowing control at all times.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the content of the following traffic sign?

  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escaping in case of danger; drive in the middle of the road.
  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escaping in case of danger; drive on the left side of your lane.
  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escape in case of danger; slow down and stay alert to what occurs on the road.
  • You are required to drive as fast as possible to help the vehicle stay stable.
Category : Safety


A freeway is designated for:

  • Only Vehicles which are capable and permitted to drive at a speed of 55 k.p.h .
  • Motor vehicles which are able to drive at a speed of at least 90 k.p.h.
  • Private passenger cars, taxis and buses only.
  • Motor vehicles and bicycles.
Category : Safety


How would you keep your vehicle balanced when approaching a curve in the roadway?

  • You should slow down before entering the curve, and accelerate when coming out of it.
  • You should shift into high gear.
  • You should shift into neutral gear.
  • You should drive faster before entering the curve.
Category : Safety


How is a driver required to conduct himself when intending to overtake a school transport bus that stopped to pick-up and let down children?

  • Overtake the bus quickly, according to the customary overtaking stages.
  • Stop behind the bus and then overtake it.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop.
  • Honk continuously and overtake.
Category : Safety


According to the following indications, how many vehicles are standing in front of you?

  • There is no way to know how many vehicles are in front based on the picture.
  • According to the picture, only the silver vehicle is driving in front of us.
  • There are two vehicles in front of you. There is the silver vehicle and another shadow in front of it.
  • The indications in the picture do not hint the number of vehicles in front.
Category : Safety


What is required in order to change lanes without causing any disturbance or risk?

  • The driver should only verify that he gives a signal with the winker while changing lanes.
  • The driver should give a timely signal from a sufficient distance, perform a peripheral check in all directions, and glance at the mirrors, before starting to change lanes.
  • The driver should communicate with other drivers and give a signal 3km before changing lanes.
  • The driver should give a signal with the winker and with the headlights while changing lanes.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself according to the situation depicted in the following picture?

  • Drive faster and quickly pass the danger on your right.
  • Move to the left lane while driving faster and paying attention to the conduct of the cyclist.
  • Slow down and pay attention to any change in the conduct of other road users.
  • Continue driving without doing anything special and give warning signals with the horn.
Category : Safety


What are the risks of driving continuously for many hours?

  • Engine power decreases, and that reduces the braking capacity.
  • Severe tiredness and a tendency to fall asleep.
  • A healthy driver faces no danger in driving continuously for many hours.
  • Heating and accelerated wear and tear of the front tires.
Category : Safety


What are the risks of driving in high speeds?

  • Serious damage to the vehicles front tires and steering system.
  • Fast wear and tear of the engine.
  • There is risk in driving in high speeds.
  • Reduced ability of stopping the vehicle in time in order to prevent an accident, and even loss of control over the vehicle.
Category : Safety


According to the following picture you are obliged to:

  • Stop.
  • Slow down.
  • Accelerate.
  • Honk.
Category : Safety


What is the most important principle when turning right in an intersection?

  • To start and to complete the turn close to the right edge of the road.
  • To stay away from the road’s right edge.
  • To turn as far as possible from the right sidewalk.
  • To enter and exit the intersection in a wide arc to the center of the roadway.
Category : Safety


Why should we avoid running the vehicle’s engine in a closed placed?

  • Because the emitted burnt gases (exhaust)are toxic.
  • To avoid engine over-heating due to poor ventilation.
  • There is no need to avoid it, because it is not important whether or not the engine is running in a closed or open place.
  • Because the engine cannot be operated in a closed place.
Category : Safety


“Drinking alcohol disrupts the coordination between limbs”: Correct or incorrect?

  • It depends on the driver.
  • Incorrect.
  • Correct.
  • It is sometimes correct.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself when approaching a vehicle standing on the “hard shoulder”?

  • Honk to the driver of the parked vehicle.
  • Slow down.
  • Drive faster.
  • Signal and move to the left lane.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Continue driving normally, while paying attention to the other vehicles in your direction of driving.
  • Slow down and allow vehicles to quickly bypass you from the left in order to merge into the left lane.
  • Drive on the right lane and prepare to move to the left lane as soon as the number of lanes increases.
  • Move to the left lane, because the right lane is about to terminate.
Category : Safety


The traffic light in your direction of driving is green. To what are you required to pay attention when approaching it?

  • Ignore the handicap vehicle parked on the right.
  • Pay attention only to the light shown in the traffic light.
  • Approach and cross the intersection quickly.
  • The sudden appearance of pedestrians emerging from between the parked vehicles.
Category : Safety

Theory test for private Vehicles

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed