
How would you conduct yourself when your motorcycle’s low beam malfunctions during a night drive?

  • You are only permitted to continue driving behind a vehicle with properly functioning lights.
  • You are permitted to continue driving at a slow speed (half of the speed limit).
  • You are prohibited to continue driving.
  • You are permitted to continue driving without the low beam, for no longer than 7 days.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What are you required to do when the following traffic light is placed (and is flashing)?

  • Stop and do not continue driving until the blinking yellow light turns off.
  • Proceed carefully and allow pedestrians to cross the road safely.
  • Ignore it. It is intended for pedestrians only.
  • Always stop before a pedestrian crossing, even if no one is crossing.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

  • Stop before the signpost.
  • Give right-of-way to vehicle traffic in the roundabout.
  • Prepare to stop your vehicle at the nearest junction.. Stopping at the junction is obligatory
  • Prepare to stop the vehicle in about 300 meters.
Category : Traffic Signs


Which sign denotes a lane for Cyclists only. Cycle in the direction of the arrow?

  • 804.
  • 821.
  • 720.
  • 802.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

  • Slow down and prepare for a possible stop if necessary, before the railway tracks.
  • Stop 2 meters before the railway tracks and check if a train is approaching.
  • Drive faster and quickly cross the railway tracks.
  • If you see the train’s lights, stop 30 meters before the railway tracks.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Maintain your current speed.
  • Drive faster in order to clear the intersection.
  • Portable traffic sign ahead.
  • Caution, traffic light ahead.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you (vehicle no. 3) required to do when approaching the following intersection (the red vehicle is not an emergency vehicle)?

  • You have right of way because you are crossing in a straight line (3).
  • Enter the intersection before the garbage truck (2), as it must yield (you [3] are coming from its right).
  • Give right of way to the tractor coming from the right only (1).
  • Give right of way to the crossing tractor (1) and truck (2).
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is required from a driver that approaches the road signs appearing in the following picture?

  • To adjust his driving speed to 90 k.p.h, in accordance with the traffic sign.
  • To adjust to urban driving speed, give right of way to the vehicle on his right on the road and be careful of pedestrians.
  • Only to pay special attention to the presence of children on the road.
  • The driver should continue driving normally.
Category : Safety


How would you operate the motorcycle while crossing an oil slick on the road?

  • Lean backwards and improve braking by shifting the weight to the rear wheel.
  • Accelerate and cross the stain as quickly as possible an in a straight line.
  • Release the gas handle and the brakes and press the clutch handle.
  • Bend forward and improve steering by shifting the driver’s weight to the front wheel.
Category : Safety


Is it permitted for a vehicle other than a taxi to load passengers within the limits of the following road sign?

  • No. The sign marks a place in which only taxi-passenger loading and unloading is permitted.
  • Yes. The sign marks a place in which passenger loading and unloading is permitted for taxis and rouse service buses.
  • Yes. The sign marks a place in which only taxis are permitted to unload passengers.
  • No. The sign marks a place in which all other vehicles are permitted to load and unload passengers.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are we required to see in the outer side mirrors of the vehicle?

  • The tip of the vehicle’s side body and the road at the sides of the vehicle.
  • Any moving vehicle to the right of our vehicle.
  • Any vehicle to the left of our vehicle, including pedestrians.
  • The back wheel and the area in front of it.
Category : Safety


Which vehicles can you drive with class B ?

  • Private vehicles and commercial vehicles with an all up weight of up to 4,500 kg.
  • Private vehicles and commercial vehicles with an all up weight of up to 3,500 kg.
  • Public vehicles, including minibuses.
  • Motorcycles with an engine power of up to 14.6 horse-powers.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Picking up or dropping off pupils on student transport is permitted:.

  • From the rear door only.
  • From the front right door only.
  • From the front door and from the rear door.
  • Picking up - from the front door. Dropping off – from the rear door.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What should you do to reduce the effect of dazzle (blinding) during the dark?

  • Pull down the sunshade.
  • Keep the windshield clean.
  • Blind back the driver approaching from the opposite direction.
  • Wear dark sunglasses.
Category : Safety


How would you respond to the indications in the following picture?

  • Swerve left and accelerate to avoid hitting passengers that are about to get out of the vehicle.
  • Continue driving normally.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop, in order to avoid hitting the open door.
  • Honk loudly and continuously and swerve left, to avoid hitting the opening door.
Category : Safety


When approaching a narrow bridge, you are required to:

  • Slow down while approaching and crossing the bridge.
  • Always cross the bridge at maximum speed to clear the road for vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
  • Always stop before the bridge, for safety reasons, and then cross it quickly.
  • Accelerate when you approach the bridge only.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Define “motor vehicle”:

  • A vehicle propelled by a diesel engine only
  • A vehicle propelled by a gasoline engine only.
  • A vehicle, propelled by any power or mechanical means.
  • A vehicle with at least two wheels.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Can an owner of a valid driver’s license for a particular group of vehicle drive any vehicle of the same group?

  • Yes, provided that the driver can operate and use it proficiently
  • Yes, holder of a valid driver’s license can drive any vehicle, unconditionally
  • Yes, provided that he holds a police certificate, testifying that he can operate the vehicle proficiently
  • Yes, provided that he had not been found guilty of any traffic offence
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Camping spot.
  • Hotel ahead.
  • Restaurant.
  • Refreshment station.
Category : Traffic Signs


Who is obliged to check the proper function of the following bus systems: brakes, steering wheel, horn, windshield wipers, and the opening and closing of the bus doors?

  • The driver, before every ride.
  • The licensing facility during the annual test.
  • The security officer, once every half a year.
  • The check should be authorized by the dispatcher.
Category : Rules and Regulations


In a student transport minibus, student boarding and dropping is performed:

  • From the front right door or from another door at the vehicle’s front.
  • From the rear door only.
  • From any door.
  • When there are 2 doors at the vehicle’s front – from the front right door only.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is instructed by the following traffic signs?

  • Weight restriction – 60 tons.
  • Special speed limit: It is prohibited to drive faster that the speed limit that is indicated on the sign (in k.p.h).
  • Special speed: It is prohibited to drive faster than the speed that is indicated in the sign under foggy or hazy conditions.
  • It is prohibited to drive faster than 60 k.p.h during the night. During the day, however, it is permitted.
Category : Traffic Signs


“Drinking alcohol has a negative effect on the driver’s ability to react”: Correct or incorrect?

  • Incorrect. Alcohol has a positive effect.
  • Incorrect. Alcohol improves your mood and your ability to drive.
  • Correct. Alcohol is a suppressive drug.
  • Incorrect. The driver feels that he cannot drive when he’s drunk.
Category : Safety


For what reason are weights installed on the tractor’s front?

  • To improve the front wheels’ surface grip.
  • To reduce some of the stress on the tractor’s rear axle while lifting loads.
  • To improve driving quality and comfort on dirt roads.
  • To prevent the tractor’s rear part from jumping while driving at high speed.
Category : Safety


How can you avoid collision according to the indications in the following picture?

  • Honk loudly and continuously.
  • Keep a proper distance from parked vehicles.
  • Stop and don’t continue driving.
  • Flash the high beam.
Category : Safety


Which warning sign alerts about two-way traffic ahead?

  • 618
  • 145
  • 620
  • 308
Category : Traffic Signs


Is it permitted to drive passengers for hire in a private passenger car?

  • Only during a public transportation strike.
  • Yes, when the passengers pay a fare that is equal to that of a bus ride.
  • No.
  • Only in inter-urban rides.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Traffic directions for the lanes of the next intersection.
  • One-way road ahead.
  • Public transportation is prohibited to proceed forward.
  • Vehicles on the right lane are prohibited to deviate to another lane.
Category : Traffic Signs


It is obligatory to hold two safety shoes in commercial vehicles with an all up weight that exceeds:

  • 4,000 kg.
  • 2,500 kg.
  • 3,000 kg.
  • 5,000 kg.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What should you do when approaching a railway crossing and a warning signal is given before you reached the crossing:

  • Stop and don’t continue driving.
  • Slow down only when a signaler turns on a warning signal.
  • Slow down only if you see an approaching train.
  • Ignore the signal and continue driving. You were there before the signal.
Category : Rules and Regulations

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