
For what reason are weights installed on the tractor’s front?

  • To improve the front wheels’ surface grip.
  • To reduce some of the stress on the tractor’s rear axle while lifting loads.
  • To improve driving quality and comfort on dirt roads.
  • To prevent the tractor’s rear part from jumping while driving at high speed.
Category : Safety


Which type of "city policing" vehicle is permitted to emit a blue light with a flashing yellow light?

  • Rescue vehicles.
  • Ambulances.
  • Integrated policing vehicles.
  • Fire fighting vehicles.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When visibility on the road is poor, the driver should:

  • Slow down, adjust his speed to the visibility conditions and turn-on his dipped beam.
  • On a two-way road – slow down; and on a one-way road – continue driving normally.
  • Accelerate and turn-on the rear lights, to prevent collision with the vehicle driving behind.
  • Turn-on the high beam to extend the field of vision and warn the incoming traffic from your opposite direction.
Category : Safety


What are you always obliged to do while driving in reverse?

  • Drive in low gear, according to the road’s conditions, in a steep descent only.
  • Operate an external reverse-drive buzzer in all types of vehicles, including private cars.
  • Place a person to guide the driver, in a spot where the driver can see him.
  • Take care as well as appropriate measures to prevent danger, impact, nuisance or disturbance.
Category : Safety


Who is permitted to repair vehicle safety part failures?

  • Every driver having know-how and experience in the field of vehicle mechanics.
  • Every professional in any vehicle repair garage.
  • Every driver, as long as he follows the manufacturer’s manual.
  • A qualified mechanic at a licensed garage only.
Category : Know Your Vehicle


You are driving in the left lane of a one-way road. The driver in the right lane before you slowed down due to a pedestrian crossing the road from right to left. You are close to the pedestrian crossing, and therefore:

  • You should accelerate and quickly pass the crossing before the pedestrian arrives.
  • Use the horn to warn the passenger and quickly pass before him.
  • Continue driving normally; the pedestrian should make sure not to do anything risky and not to disturb you.
  • You should slow down and allow the pedestrian to finish crossing.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Is it permitted to repair a vehicle on the road?

  • Only if it close to a garage.
  • Only if the repair is related to the vehicle’s electricity system.
  • The type of repair is not important, as long as the vehicle is not left standing there for more than 12 hours.
  • Only a simple repair, provided that no inconvenience is caused to other road users, and the vehicle should not be left standing there for more than 24 hours.
Category : Rules and Regulations


When the following traffic sign is placed at the intersection:

  • You are only permitted to drive straight ahead from the left lane only.
  • The road after the intersection is a one-way road.
  • You are only permitted to drive straight ahead.
  • Steep ascent ahead.
Category : Traffic Signs


Where in the vehicle should the fluorescent vest be kept (except for motor-cycles)?

  • In the driver compartment.
  • Next to the spare (reserve) wheel.
  • In the vehicle’s trunk.
  • In the vehicle’s engine.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is a “security vehicle”?

  • A fire-fighting vehicle only.
  • Any ambulance, police vehicle, fire fighting vehicle, or any other security vehicle that gives a red or blue light and makes a siren sound.
  • A Red Magen David Ambulance only.
  • Any Israel Police vehicle.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Where should vehicles drive in a road divided by a Central divider?

  • In case of a three-lane roadway – on the left lane
  • In case of a two-way roadway – on the roadway’s left side
  • On the right of the Central divider - unless otherwise marked
  • On the left of the Central Divider.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What are the components of the stopping distance?

  • The sum of the braking distance and the gap from the vehicle in front.
  • The average of the driver’s braking distance and reaction distance.
  • The sum of the reaction time and of the braking distance.
  • The sum of the decision distance and the execution distance of a reasonable driver.
Category : Safety


Who should you give right of way to at an intersection without traffic signs?

  • To vehicles turning right or left.
  • To vehicles coming from your left.
  • To vehicles coming from your right.
  • To public vehicles.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of this traffic sign?

  • It is a warning, instruction or prohibitory sign, for public transport only.
  • It is a square information sign.
  • It is a warning, instruction or prohibitory sign, which conveys a message that is not covered by the provisions of the road sign table.
  • It is an unofficial road sign, which conveys various optional guidances.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are you required to do according to the following road sign?

  • Stay away from the right edge of the road.
  • Slow down as you may encounter cyclists crossingn the road ahead.
  • Drive on the left of the road to avoid endangering anybody.
  • You have right-of-way. You can continue driving fast.
Category : Traffic Signs


Is it determined by the following road sign which rules for giving right-of-way should be applied?

  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to vehicles that continue driving straight only.
  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to public vehicles only.
  • No, right-of-way rules are determined according to the traffic load.
  • No, right-of-way is determined according to lawful right-of-way rules or according to the traffic signs that are placed in the junction.
Category : Traffic Signs


Within which distance from a tunnel is it prohibited to overtake?

  • Fifty meters before the entry to the tunnel and up to fifty meters after the exit from the tunnel.
  • There is no overtaking restriction around a tunnel.
  • 100 meters before the entry to the tunnel and up to 100 meters after the exit from the tunnel.
  • From the entry until the exit of the tunnel.
Category : Rules and Regulations


Are you required to give right-of-way when the following road sign is placed?

  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to vehicles that continue driving straight.
  • No, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to public vehicles only.
  • No, you should only give right-of-way according to the lawful right-of-way rules or to the traffic signs that are placed in the intersection.
  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to vehicles that come from the right only.
Category : Traffic Signs


Under which conditions is it permitted to drive in reverse

  • Only with the condition that the driver is guided by a person that stands behind the car and is visible to him.
  • Only if the vehicle is close to the sidewalk.
  • Provided it is necessary and that no risk, interruption or disturbance is caused to any other road-user.
  • Driving in reverse is absolutely forbidden.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • A path for bicycles only.
  • Driver pay attention, bicycles passing.
  • Designated lane for motorcycles and bicycles only.
  • No entry for bicycles.
Category : Traffic Signs


When you are driving in a roadway and there is an unbroken separation line marked to your left accompanied by a broken line to its left:

  • You are forbidden to cross the separation line.
  • You are allowed to cross the lines, but vehicle traffic from the opposite side is forbidden to cross.
  • You are allowed to cross the lines with two wheels only.
  • You are allowed to cross the lines carefully.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the traffic sign in the following picture?

  • It is a speed restriction that is intended for private vehicles only.
  • The vehicle’s driving speed should not be lesser than 40 KPH.
  • It is a speed restriction that is intended for two-wheelers and trolleys.
  • The vehicle’s driving speed should not exceed 40 KPH.
Category : Traffic Signs


Sudden braking is permitted when:

  • It is the only way to prevent an accident.
  • The driver or any of the passengers suddenly want to get off the vehicle.
  • The driver wants to make a U-turn.
  • The driver realizes he is lost.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Road closed in both directions for all vehicles.
  • No entry for motor vehicles (one-way street ahead).
  • No entry for non-motor vehicles (one-way street ahead).
  • No entry to the lane beneath the sign.
Category : Traffic Signs


Where would you stop when the traffic light in the intersection ahead displays a red light?

  • After the pedestrian crossing, and if there isn’t one - wherever you have the best field of view.
  • Before the stop line, and if there is a pedestrian crossing – stop before the crossing.
  • Always wherever you have the best field of view.
  • After the stop line, and if there is no stop line - before the intersection line.
Category : Traffic Signs


What are we required to see in the outer side mirrors of the vehicle?

  • The tip of the vehicle’s side body and the road at the sides of the vehicle.
  • Any moving vehicle to the right of our vehicle.
  • Any vehicle to the left of our vehicle, including pedestrians.
  • The back wheel and the area in front of it.
Category : Safety


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Winding road in both directions at the next intersection.
  • Turn right or left.
  • No U-turn to the left.
  • Pass the place that is marked with a signpost from its right only.
Category : Traffic Signs


How is a driver required to drive near a group of children?

  • Stop completely for as long as the children are near the road.
  • Continue driving in normal speed, provided that the pavements are wide.
  • Slow down, be prepared to stop and even stop if necessary..
  • Continue driving in normal speed, provided that he uses the horn to warn the children.
Category : Rules and Regulations


What is the meaning of this sign?

  • Taxi rank. No entry to the street in which the sign is placed.
  • The end of the Taxi Rank.
  • The beginning of a public bus station.
  • Taxi rank. Parking and stopping is forbidden to all other vehicles.
Category : Traffic Signs


You are driving vehicle no. 3. According to the rules of giving right-of-way, in what order should the vehicles enter the intersection?

  • The vehicle you are driving goes in first (3), and the red private vehicle will follow (1).
  • The cyclist will go in first (2), and the vehicle you are driving will follow (3).
  • The red private vehicle will go in first (1), and the cyclist will follow (2).
  • The cyclist enters first (2), and the red private vehicle will follow (1).
Category : Rules and Regulations

Theory test for tractors

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed