
What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • No entry for vehicle carriers.
  • No entry for vehicles, including trolleys.
  • No entry for horse drawn vehicles and non-harnessed animals.
  • Entry is permitted for horsemen only.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • No overtaking for buses
  • No overtaking of private vehicles.
  • No overtaking for commercial vehicles.
  • End of road section with an overtaking restriction.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic light (intermittently flashing red light)?

  • Prepare to stop before the intersection with the traffic lights.
  • It is a special traffic light before a level crossing. Stop before the crossing and don’t proceed for as long as the light is flashing.
  • Stop before the intersection with the traffic lights.
  • Drive faster before the crossing.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the marked vehicle required to do when the following marking appears on the road?

  • The driver should not cross the separation line, but he is permitted to make a left U-turn.
  • The driver of the marked vehicle should drive on the right of the lines, and he is prohibited from crossing the continuous separation line.
  • The marked vehicle is permitted to cross the unbroken separation line.
  • The marked vehicle should drive on the left side of the unbroken line.
Category : Traffic Signs


What does the following traffic sign symbolize?

  • Rest point for drivers.
  • KKL (Jewish National Fund) memorial
  • Camping site or night parking lot.
  • Archeological excavation site.
Category : Traffic Signs


Is a “restricted vehicle” permitted to use a road in which the following traffic sign is placed?

  • Yes, driving at a minimum speed of 55 k.p.h.
  • Yes, driving at a maximum speed of 55 k.p.h.
  • Yes, on a freeway only.
  • No.
Category : Traffic Signs


How would you conduct yourself when approaching an intersection with a yellow flashing traffic light?

  • Slow down and even stop if necessary - according to the surrounding traffic.
  • In any case – stop before the pedestrian crossing.
  • Speed up before the light turns red.
  • Slow down and give right-of-way to vehicles coming from your left only.
Category : Traffic Signs


When traffic sign 308 is placed at an entry to a section,of the road which traffic sign should be placed in the opposite side of that section?

  • 504
  • 145
  • 307
  • 622
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of this sign?

  • Steep downhill slope about 2,500 meters ahead.
  • In 2,500 meters a steep uphill climb begins.
  • Steep downhill slope for 2,500 meters begins here.
  • The end of a 2,500-meters downhill slope section.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Follow the direction of the white arrow. Traffic in the opposite direction is prohibited.
  • You have right of way over on-coming traffic
  • Driving backwards is prohibited.
  • Give right-of-way in a narrow road to incoming traffic from the opposite direction.
Category : Traffic Signs


Are cyclists and pedestrians permitted to enter according to the following traffic signs?

  • Yes, provided that they act very carefully.
  • No.
  • Yes.
  • Yes, on the “hard shoulders” only.
Category : Traffic Signs


Is there any reference in the following road sign to the giving of right-of-way?

  • No. Only instruction signs refer to the giving of right-of-way.
  • No. The sign belongs to the instruction signs group and is not, as far as right-of-way rules are concerned, obligatory.
  • Yes. You should give right-of-way to vehicle traffic on the road ahead.
  • No. This is a warning sign which doesn’t come to replace any right-of-way sign.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • T-Intersection ahead.
  • Railway crossing.
  • Cross road.
  • Junction in a freeway.
Category : Traffic Signs


When a traffic light displays a stable (not flashing) yellow light:

  • It indicates that the flashing yellow light is about to appear. You should drive faster and clear the intersection immediately.
  • It indicates that the flashing green light is about to appear. You should drive faster and clear the intersection immediately.
  • It indicates that the red light is about to appear. You should prepare to stop or clear the intersection immediately.
  • It indicates that the stable (not flashing) green light is about to appear and you would be able to continue driving.
Category : Traffic Signs


Which of the following traffic signs informs about a change in the number of lanes?

  • 109
  • 145
  • 622
  • All four signs.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Two-way traffic ahead.
  • You have right-of-way over vehicles approaching from the opposite direction.
  • The number of lanes is increasing.
  • You are permitted to use all lanes.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Pedestrian crossing about 150 meters ahead.
  • Suspended pedestrian bridge.
  • Path for pedestrians only.
  • give right of way to pedestrians crossing on the marked area.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Entry is permitted for pedestrians only.
  • Children are not allowed to play here.
  • No entry for pedestrians, including the “hard shoulders”.
  • Careful! Pedestrians nearby.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Proceed carefully (hand held sign).
  • Drive fast.
  • Drive without stopping. Stopping is prohibited.
  • Stop and wait for the instructions of the traffic flagger.
Category : Traffic Signs


Which of the following road signs should be placed after road sign 135?

  • 136
  • 306
  • 226
  • 220
Category : Traffic Signs


A round shaped traffic-sign is:

  • An instruction sign.
  • A direction sign.
  • A warning sign.
  • An information sign.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Crossroad ahead.
  • Level crossing, two tracks.
  • Level crossing, one track.
  • Road-Works site.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Bar or coffee shop.
  • Camping spot.
  • Public washrooms.
  • Glass casting factory.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Winding road in both directions at the next intersection.
  • Turn right or left.
  • No U-turn to the left.
  • Pass the place that is marked with a signpost from its right only.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following road marking?

  • Two-way traffic ahead.
  • One-way traffic ahead.
  • Traffic islands (in different shapes), marked on the road in white.
  • Arrows for driving through the intersection – you may cross the intersection in the direction of the arrow only.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • End of overtaking-restricted section.
  • Private passenger vehicles should not overtake trucks.
  • Buses should not be overtaken.
  • Trucks should not overtake private passenger vehicles.
Category : Traffic Signs


Which traffic sign should appear after traffic sign 705?

  • 701
  • 122
  • 703
  • 702
Category : Traffic Signs


Is it determined by the following road sign which rules for giving right-of-way should be applied?

  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to vehicles that continue driving straight only.
  • Yes, when the following road sign is placed in an intersection, right-of-way is given to public vehicles only.
  • No, right-of-way rules are determined according to the traffic load.
  • No, right-of-way is determined according to lawful right-of-way rules or according to the traffic signs that are placed in the junction.
Category : Traffic Signs


The following traffic sign is the only sign posted at an intersection. Is it permitted to turn left?

  • Yes, only during the day.
  • No.
  • Yes, only in the intersection.
  • Yes, in an intersection with traffic lights.
Category : Traffic Signs


What is the meaning of the following traffic sign?

  • Parking on the sidewalk is permitted, provided that the sidewalk is wider than six meters.
  • Parking on the sidewalk is permitted for all vehicles, according to the sidewalk’s marking.
  • No parking on the sidewalk.
  • Parking on the sidewalk is permitted, according to the sidewalk’s marking, for private and commercial vehicles with an all up weight of up to 2,200 kg.
Category : Traffic Signs

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