
A motorcyclist should not carry on the motorcycle a package, bundle or object:

  • That would prevent him from having full control of the motorcycle.
  • That is not wrapped as required.
  • That sticks out beyond the motorcycle’s rear.
  • That would prevent him from sitting comfortably on the motorcycle.
Category : Safety


How would you drive your motorcycle when you are forced to cross an oil slick on the road?

  • Slow down gently using the front brake during the entire time of crossing.
  • Slow down gently using the rear brake during the entire time of crossing.
  • Keep driving straight ahead without braking or accelerating and squeeze the clutch operating lever.
  • Slow down sharply with an even distribution between the rear and front brakes, until you pass the oil slick.
Category : Safety


What is the advantage of driving on the right side of the road?

  • It prevents the vehicle behind you from overtaking you.
  • You create a safety distance between yourself and oncoming vehicle traffic.
  • There is no advantage in driving on the right side of the road, except for one-way roads only.
  • You Stay within the permitted distance of no more than 40cm from the road’s edge.
Category : Safety


What risk do riders of two-wheelers face while passing between two rows of moving cars before an intersection?

  • Being hit by a car that suddenly swerves from its lane to the passage in which the motorcycle is proceeding.
  • There is no risk, as there is always enough space for two-wheelers to pass comfortably and safely.
  • The rider might scare drivers who are short-tempered anyway.
  • The risk is that at the beginning of the row, next to the intersection, there is no more space left because there are many two-wheelers standing there.
Category : Safety


What risks are expected whilst driving on a mountain road?

  • Engine heating due to excessive use of the brakes.
  • Loss of braking ability and head-on collision. Difficulty yo pull off the road.
  • Tire overheating.
  • Loosening of a wheel due to the roads steep slope.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself in the following road section?

  • Turn in a bigger radius to maintain reasonable speed.
  • Turn in a small radius and adjust your speed.
  • Slow down before entering the curve and accelerate when coming out of it.
  • Accelerate at the entry to the curve, and slow down within it and when coming out of it.
Category : Safety


What is the proven and recommended method for keeping proper distance from the vehicle driving in front of us?

  • Drive as similarly as possible to the drivers in the adjacent right and left lanes,.
  • The “two-second count” method.
  • Vehicle length and engine volume method.
  • Estimating a reasonable distance between yourself and the vehicle driving in front.
Category : Safety


What specific problems do drivers face at night?

  • Dysfunction of the driver due to outside lighting.
  • Having many vehicles around him during the night.
  • Restricted field of vision, being dazzled )blinded) incorrect distance estimations.
  • Drop in engine power due to the operation of the lighting system.
Category : Safety


Does a-can of beer have a lesser effect on a driver compared to a whisky shot?

  • No. They both have a more or less equal effect on the driver’s ability to drive safely.
  • No, beer is not regarded as a drink which affects one’s driving.
  • Yes, beer has more alcohol than whisky.
  • No, the quantity of beer is greater and therefore its effect is greater.
Category : Safety


A cement mixer is:

  • There is no proper definition for cement mixers.
  • An off-road vehicle.
  • a commercial truck.
  • A special-purpose vehicle.
Category : Safety


What is the risk of riding a motorcycle in the dark?

  • The low temperatures to which the motorcycle is exposed.
  • The difficulty to assess the nature of the road and to detect obstacles in time.
  • The difficulty to see other vehicles that drive behind him only.
  • The low temperatures to which the rider is exposed.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Slow down and continue driving. It seems, from the looks of the pedestrians, that they noticed your intention to continue driving.
  • The pedestrians almost finished crossing. Continue driving and pass them carefully.
  • Honk continuously to the pedestrians so that they allow you to continue driving.
  • Stop, pedestrians are crossing the roadway.
Category : Safety


What are we required to ensure before starting to drive?

  • That the fuel and oil types are those required for the proper operation of the vehicle.
  • That we can operate and use the vehicle proficiently.
  • That the vehicle has spare bulbs and fuses.
  • That the vehicle received all the treatment necessary for its current maintenance.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself in the following road section?

  • Drive in low gear, steep climb ahead.
  • Drive in high gear, to prevent engine overheating.
  • Slow down, drive in low gear and maintain the engine’s temperature.
  • Slow down and keep to the right of the roadway, due to the limited field of vision.
Category : Safety


What is the most important thing a motorcyclist should check before entering an intersection?

  • That no vehicle is driving in parallel to him at the same speed.
  • He should calculate the time needed to cross the intersection at his current speed.
  • In an intersection with traffic lights there is no need to check anything.
  • That the intersection is clear of traffic that might endanger him.
Category : Safety


The driver’s reaction distance is the distance covered by the vehicle:

  • From the moment the driver steps on the brake pedal until the vehicle makes a complete stop.
  • From the moment the driver identifies the danger ahead until the moment he begins to react to the danger.
  • From the initial reaction until the end of the vehicle’s braking.
  • From the moment the driver identifies the risk ahead until the vehicle makes a complete stop.
Category : Safety


How would you, while driving a motorcycle, evade an obstacle – such as an object that is laid on the road – that suddenly appears in front of you?

  • Brake before the obstacle and while on it. This way you ensure maximum braking time.
  • Substantially accelerate the motorcycle to maintain balance.
  • Brake before the obstacle and then ease-off the brakes just before it and evade it.
  • Drive faster and pass the obstacle without any delay.
Category : Safety


“Alcohol slows down the driver’s ability to respond”: Correct or incorrect?

  • Correct.
  • Incorrect. There is no connection between the drinking alcohol and the driver’s ability to respond.
  • Incorrect. Alcohol improves the ability to concentrate.
  • Incorrect. Alcohol improves your mood.
Category : Safety


What is a reasonable speed on a freeway(Motorway)?

  • A speed that takes into account traffic conditions, and that doesn’t exceed the permitted speed limit on that road.
  • In any case, not less that the allowed speed limit.
  • A speed that gives you maximum drive range, provided that it doesn’t exceed the speed limit.
  • At the driver’s discretion, provided that it doesn’t exceed the allowed speed limit.
Category : Safety


What is required from a driver that approaches the road signs appearing in the following picture?

  • To adjust his driving speed to 90 k.p.h, in accordance with the traffic sign.
  • To adjust to urban driving speed, give right of way to the vehicle on his right on the road and be careful of pedestrians.
  • Only to pay special attention to the presence of children on the road.
  • The driver should continue driving normally.
Category : Safety


When you apply the brake pedal during an emergency braking:

  • The vehicle stops on the spot.
  • The vehicle continues to a certain distance until reaching a complete stop.
  • The vehicle stops on the spot only when you drive at 50 k.p.h or slower.
  • The vehicle’s braking distance is constant, regardless of your driving speed.
Category : Safety


The danger of skidding on a wet road is greater:

  • The deeper are the grooves in the tires.
  • The more worn-out are the tires.
  • The higher is the tire air pressure.
  • The heavier is the vehicle.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the picture?

  • Glance at the mirrors, slow down and stop if necessary.
  • Drive faster and honk gently.
  • Honk for warning and continue driving in normal speed.
  • Honk loudly to warn pedestrians.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Cyclists are of no danger to vehicles. Drive normally when they are nearby.
  • The cyclist is not stable and is affected by the fast vehicles passing by. Slow down when approaching him.
  • When passing by cyclists, drive faster to reduce the period of conflict with them.
  • When passing by cyclists, honk a few times to have their attention.
Category : Safety


What is the order of actions to be taken in order to stop or park?

  • Check if it is permitted; make a peripheral check and slow down carefully.
  • The order of actions before parking is of no significance.
  • Slow down, deviate, stop and signal.
  • The order of actions doesn’t matter. The important thing is to do it carefully.
Category : Safety


How can you be safe while driving on a congested road?

  • By sticking close to the vehicle in front.
  • By keeping distance from your front only.
  • When driving on a congested road, no special attention should be given to the issue of safety.
  • Make sure to make a peripheral check, keep a safe distance in all directions and drive at a reasonable speed.
Category : Safety


What are the risks in making a U-turn?

  • Delaying vehicles that are coming from the opposite direction or from behind
  • Colliding with vehicles coming from the opposite direction or from behind.
  • All the answers are correct.
  • Causing an approaching vehicle to make a sudden brake.
Category : Safety


What effect does keeping distance have on the driver’s field of vision?

  • Keeping distance has no connection to the driver’s field of vision.
  • Keeping distance affects the driver’s field of vision while driving in high speeds and during stormy weather conditions only.
  • The greater is the distance we keep from the vehicle in front, the better is our field of vision.
  • Keeping distance affects the driver’s field of vision during traffic congestion only (“traffic jams”).
Category : Safety


The risk of skidding on a wet road is greater:

  • The slower you drive.
  • The faster you drive.
  • The risk of skidding on a wet road is identical to the risk of skidding on a dry road.
  • The newer are the tires.
Category : Safety


While turning, what natural force pushes the vehicle against the direction of the turn?

  • Gravity.
  • Centrifugal force.
  • The force of inertia.
  • None of the natural forces affect the vehicle while turning.
Category : Safety

Theory test for motorcycles

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed