
What should you do when you are about to start driving after stopping or parking at the side of the roadway?

  • You should signal with your left hand and swiftly merge with traffic. .
  • You should, before starting to drive, signal and then get on the road quickly.
  • Make a left-signal and drive. The other vehicle should give you right-of-way.
  • You should signal appropriately and ensure that you can merge with the traffic without endangering other road users.
Category : Safety


What are the provisions for driving in a straight line, without swerving?

  • Glancing at the separation line and keeping a constant distance from it.
  • Focusing on the furthest possible object you can see.
  • Driving while constantly following the roadway’s delineating yellow line.
  • Keeping to the right of the road, while maintaining a constant distance from the right yellow line.
Category : Safety


What are the components of the stopping distance?

  • The sum of the braking distance and the gap from the vehicle in front.
  • The average of the driver’s braking distance and reaction distance.
  • The sum of the reaction time and of the braking distance.
  • The sum of the decision distance and the execution distance of a reasonable driver.
Category : Safety


What effect does driving whilst keeping proper distance from the vehicle in front has on the vehicle’s fuel consumption and wear?

  • It is required to keep a proper distance to prevent accidents only, and it has no effect on the vehicle’s wear or fuel consumption.
  • The shorter is the distance kept from the vehicle in front, the lower are both brake wear and fuel consumption.
  • In order to keep proper distance from the vehicle in front you are required to constantly use the brakes, and therefore it causes quick brake wear.
  • When proper distance is kept – brake wear and engine fuel consumption are reduced,
Category : Safety


What risk do riders of two-wheelers face while passing between two rows of moving cars before an intersection?

  • Being hit by a car that suddenly swerves from its lane to the passage in which the motorcycle is proceeding.
  • There is no risk, as there is always enough space for two-wheelers to pass comfortably and safely.
  • The rider might scare drivers who are short-tempered anyway.
  • The risk is that at the beginning of the row, next to the intersection, there is no more space left because there are many two-wheelers standing there.
Category : Safety


The risk of skidding on a wet road is greater:

  • The slower you drive.
  • The faster you drive.
  • The risk of skidding on a wet road is identical to the risk of skidding on a dry road.
  • The newer are the tires.
Category : Safety


What is a driver required to do after crossing a flooded road section?

  • Stop at the side of the road and wait until the braking system dries up completely.
  • Make a strong and sudden brake and check if the brakes are responding.
  • Drive slowly and press gently and intermittently on the brake pedal, to ensure that the brakes function properly.
  • Continue driving normally, because there is no connection between water and the braking system’s efficiency.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the content of the following traffic sign?

  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escaping in case of danger; drive in the middle of the road.
  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escaping in case of danger; drive on the left side of your lane.
  • The road is narrow and has no “hard shoulders” used for escape in case of danger; slow down and stay alert to what occurs on the road.
  • You are required to drive as fast as possible to help the vehicle stay stable.
Category : Safety


What are the characteristics of a mountain road?

  • Many pedestrians and animals.
  • Wide and unmarked roadways.
  • Mountain roads are never paved.
  • Narrow and winding roadway, sharp curves, bends and sudden slopes.
Category : Safety


In order to avoid hitting a vehicle that makes a sudden stop in front of you:

  • Keep your foot on the brake pedal so that you can also stop if needed.
  • Try to overtake it so it will be behind you.
  • Always keep sufficient distance from the vehicle in front .
  • Stop immediately upon noticing the brake lights of the vehicle in front, regardless of your distance from him.
Category : Safety


How should one drive on a flooded road?

  • Drive fast on high gear.
  • Drive slowly in low gear.
  • Drive fast on low gear.
  • Drive slowly on high gear.
Category : Safety


How would you, while driving a motorcycle, evade an obstacle – such as an object that is laid on the road – that suddenly appears in front of you?

  • Brake before the obstacle and while on it. This way you ensure maximum braking time.
  • Substantially accelerate the motorcycle to maintain balance.
  • Brake before the obstacle and then ease-off the brakes just before it and evade it.
  • Drive faster and pass the obstacle without any delay.
Category : Safety


Driving at night with the high beam can cause:

  • It doesn’t disturb other drivers.
  • The dazzling ( blinding )of other drivers.
  • Damage to the vehicle’s lighting system, particularly to the headlights.
  • There is no statutory restriction on the use of the high beam while driving.
Category : Safety


How is a driver required to conduct himself when intending to overtake a school transport bus that stopped to pick-up and let down children?

  • Overtake the bus quickly, according to the customary overtaking stages.
  • Stop behind the bus and then overtake it.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop.
  • Honk continuously and overtake.
Category : Safety


It is prohibited to start overtaking without verifying

  • Is it permitted? Will I manage to complete it safely, without any doubt?.
  • Does the road have a “hard shoulder”.
  • Does the insurance cover the damages in case of an accident?
  • What is the penalty for prohibited overtaking?
Category : Safety


What limitations occur on the road ahead of you?

  • Driving is on an urban road.
  • (1) Road works ahead (2) a speed limit and (3) no overtaking.
  • Limited field of vision.
  • Congested traffic on the roadway.
Category : Safety


The wind resistance that a driving vehicle faces affects:

  • The vehicle’s speed and tire wear.
  • The wear and tear of the steering wheel system,
  • The capacity of the vehicle’s brakes.
  • The vehicle’s stability and speed.
Category : Safety


How would you handle the following situation?

  • Slow down and overtake the cyclist, whilst maintaining proper lateral distance from him and observing his movements.
  • Drive behind the cyclist until after the intersection and then honk and pass him quickly.
  • Honk to the cyclist until he clears away from your driving lane, and pass him as quickly as possible.
  • Drive faster and overtake the cyclist before entering the intersection in which overtaking is prohibited.
Category : Safety


When would the following vehicles be able to continue driving?

  • Only when the barrier is completely opened and a green light is shown by the traffic light.
  • You should only refer to the barrier and not to the traffic light.
  • When the light in the traffic light changes to a steady yellow.
  • Immediately as the barrier starts to open and a flickering red light is shown by the traffic light.
Category : Safety


How can we prevent our vehicle from skidding?

  • By holding the steering wheel firmly with both hands, and by driving at a similar speed to that of other vehicles on the road.
  • By driving reasonably and using the brakes in a gentle manner.
  • By stepping firmly and continuously on the brake pedal.
  • By turning the steering wheel right, to stabilize the vehicle.
Category : Safety


How would we create an efficient safety space in our front, rear and to the side whilst riding in traffic??

  • By positioning ourselves in the middle of the road and driving fast.
  • By choosing the proper driving lane and speed in relation to the traffic condition around us.
  • By signaling other vehicles to keep away.
  • By keeping to the right of the road or of the lane and driving fast.
Category : Safety


According to the picture, who of those involved should take measures to prevent an accident?

  • The vehicle and the pedestrian are far from each other; hence no measures should be taken.
  • The pedestrian should stop and allow the vehicle to continue driving.
  • The driver should slow down and even stop if necessary.
  • The pedestrian should walk faster and finish crossing.
Category : Safety


What is the effect of driving at a high speed during an accident?

  • The driver’s response time is significantly shortened, and safety is enhanced.
  • High speed does not influence the outcome of the accident.
  • It causes greater force of collision and a more severe impact on humans and damage to property.
  • The driver’s response time is lengthened, and safety is thus enhanced.
Category : Safety


The reaction distance depends on:

  • The vehicle’s speed only.
  • The driver’s response only.
  • The driver’s reaction time and the vehicle’s speed.
  • The proper function of the vehicles brakes.
Category : Safety


What is the driver of the silver vehicle required to do according to the following picture?

  • Honk loudly and proceed in the right lane, because the driver of the vehicle that exits from the parking space acts against the law.
  • Slow down and allow the vehicle that exits from the parking space to merge in traffic.
  • Drive faster and move to the left lane.
  • Honk and continue driving without any change in position and speed.
Category : Safety


What might be the cause of loss of control of a vehicle?

  • Driving too fast and not wearing seatbelts.
  • Driving too fast, lack of vigilance and being unfamiliar with the vehicle.
  • Driving too fast and having non-functional head rests.
  • Driving at a reasonable speed and being unfamiliar with the vehicle’s mechanisms only.
Category : Safety


How does the helmet’s visor affect driving in the dark?

  • It irritates the rider.
  • Driving a two-wheeler during dark without the helmet’ visor always improves your quality of vision.
  • A scratched or dirty visor makes it easier to drive in the dark.
  • A scratched or dirty visor breaks the light rays and significantly lessens the quality of vision
Category : Safety


What is the first action taken by drivers before crossing an intersection?

  • Checking and identifying the lanes after crossing the intersection, mainly in our direction of driving.
  • Looking beyond the intersection to identify the entry lanes to the opposite directions and the traffic in them
  • Making sure that the intersection is clear and that it can be crossed safely.
  • Entering the intersection.
Category : Safety


What is the correct way to check the road when starting to drive and merging with traffic?

  • Glance in the mirrors and turn our head in the direction to which we intend to drive.
  • Look as far as possible ahead.
  • Glance at the rear view mirror and make sure that there are no vehicles behind us.
  • Plan our merging with vehicle traffic near us.
Category : Safety


You arrived to an intersection that is not clear:(free)

  • Stop before the intersection and wait for traffic to clear.
  • You are permitted to turn left, even if the intersection is not clear.
  • If the traffic light is green you may enter the intersection, even when it is not clear.
  • Enter the intersection carefully and wait there for it to clear.
Category : Safety

Theory test for motorcycles

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed