
How would you get the attention of the overtaken vehicle’s driver while overtaking on a freeway (motorway)?

  • Use the horn for as long as you are passing him. It is important that he doesnt ignore you.
  • You are permitted, if it is necessary, to use the horn briefly before passing, .
  • During day light, turn on the vehicle’s parking lights.
  • If required, signal to him with the vehicle’s four direction indicators.
Category : Safety


In your opinion, is the truck positioned correctly within the curve?

  • When driving on a sharp curve, it is required to stay in it as shortly as possible; hence his position is correct.
  • In sharp curves it is necessary to “cut” through the curve, in order to reduce the centrifugal force (the force that acts on the vehicle while it turns).
  • When there is no other vehicle in the curve it is possible to be positioned anywhere within it.
  • No, the truck driver is not keeping to the right of the road and his position presents a risk to any vehicle coming from the opposite direction.
Category : Safety


When a driver approaches a narrow bridge, he should:

  • Cross the bridge as quickly as possible, to allow vehicles coming from the opposite direction to pass it without delays.
  • Slow down while approaching and crossing the bridge.
  • Stop before the bridge for safety reasons and then cross it quickly.
  • Drive faster only while approaching the bridge, and drive slowly on the bridge – in order to enhance safety.
Category : Safety


When is a vehicle affected by centrifugal force?

  • While driving in a straight line, even when the road is horizontal.
  • While driving around curves and turns.
  • While driving straight in steep uphill climbs.
  • While driving straight in steep descents.
Category : Safety


Proper adjustment of the driver’s seat:

  • Proper adjustment of the driver’s seat prevents the occurrence of “blind spots” while driving in reverse.
  • Is performed by the vehicle’s manufacturer during its manufacturing process, and additional adjustment of the seat is not needed.
  • Allows you to comfortably see the road and to have an easy and non-tiring drive.
  • Is an important action that should be applied during every periodic treatment of the vehicle.
Category : Safety


In order to overtake safely, the overtaking driver should:

  • Start overtaking only when the road is clear in a sufficient distance, and verify while overtaking that the road is still clear.
  • Overtake only when a sign permitting overtaking is placed.
  • Overtake in a speed that exceeds speed limit, in order to clear the road way.
  • Always overtake at a slow speed and with patience.
Category : Safety


A vehicle driver must slow down when he:

  • Overtakes on a two-way road.
  • Arrives to the beginning of a steep uphill climb.
  • Overtakes on a one-way road.
  • Drives down a steep or long descent.
Category : Safety


In your opinion, is the white vehicle within the curve positioned correctly?

  • No, the vehicle is close to the middle of the roadway and it endangers vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
  • In sharp curves it is necessary to “cut” through the curve, in order to reduce the centrifugal force (the force that acts on the vehicle while it turns).
  • When there is no other vehicle in the curve it is possible to be positioned anywhere within it.
  • When driving on a sharp curve, it is required to stay in it as shortly as possible; hence his position is correct.
Category : Safety


How do dirty mirrors affect vehicle safety?

  • Dirt might damage the safety systems.
  • A clean vehicle helps to improve the driver’s concentration and general feeling.
  • A dirty vehicle endangers and pollutes its close environment.
  • They impair the driver’s vision.
Category : Safety


What risks are caused when you deviate abruptly between lanes?

  • The deviation might delay other drivers.
  • You might end up in a lane that you are not allowed to be in.
  • Risk of hitting a vehicle that you didn’t see before deviating.
  • It is risky when the deviation takes too long.
Category : Safety


How is the required distance for overtaking determined?

  • It only depends on the driving speed of the overtaken vehicle and not of the overtaking one.
  • It depends on the driving speeds of the overtaking and the overtaken vehicles
  • It only depends on the driving speed of the overtaking vehicle and not of the overtaken one.
  • It corresponds to the speed limit in that road section.
Category : Safety


When parking a vehicle, is it necessary to operate the parking brake (handbrake)?

  • Only when the vehicle is parked in a steep descent.
  • Only when the vehicle is parked uphill.
  • Always.
  • Only on a wet road.
Category : Safety


How would you behave on the road ahead?

  • The number of lanes is decreasing; stay on your driving lane.
  • The number of lanes is decreasing; move to the right lane and keep to your right.
  • The number of lanes is increasing; choose the middle lane.
  • The number of lanes is increasing; choose the left lane.
Category : Safety


How can a correct grip of the steering wheel help to control the vehicle and to keep it stable?

  • The way you grip the wheel is only important in sharp turns and curves, when the vehicle moves in high speed.
  • Correct wheel grip is only important in big and heavy vehicles such as trucks and buses.
  • In a new-model vehicle, the way we hold the steering wheel is important while driving in sharp curves.
  • A correct grip of the steering wheel allows precise turning of the wheel, thus allowing control at all times.
Category : Safety


Driving at night with the high beam can cause:

  • It doesn’t disturb other drivers.
  • The dazzling ( blinding )of other drivers.
  • Damage to the vehicle’s lighting system, particularly to the headlights.
  • There is no statutory restriction on the use of the high beam while driving.
Category : Safety


What are the dangers of driving continuously for many hours?

  • Heating and accelerated wear of the vehicle’s tires.
  • Overheating of the vehicle’s engine.
  • It violates the insurance law.
  • Tiredness and risk of falling asleep at the wheel
Category : Safety


A driver approaches a pedestrian crossing marked on the road.Although ther are no pedestrians on the crossing. The driver should,

  • Slow down to ensure that there no pedestrians in the vicinity.
  • Pass with caution but no need to slow down.
  • Accelerate before pedestrians arrive
  • Sound the horn and accelerate to clear the crossing
Category : Safety


How would you avoid hitting the pedestrian in the picture?

  • Warn him by honking loudly and continuously.
  • In the given situation there is no way to avoid hitting the pedestrian.
  • Brake strongly and honk early to drive the pedestrian away to the sidewalk.
  • Drive slowly and identify the pedestrian as early as possible on the road.
Category : Safety


What is the first stage in getting back on the road from the “hard shoulder”?

  • Signaling with the indicator.
  • Getting closer from the hard shoulder to the roads edge.
  • Accelerating the vehicle up to the speed of the vehicles on the road.
  • Turning the wheel in order to get on the road in a 45 degree angle.
Category : Safety


What are the tedious driving conditions described in the following picture?

  • Wet road, poor visibility and heavy traffic.
  • Due to the weather conditions the traffic sign is not clear.
  • A camera is installed in the intersection; therefore it is not permitted to cross when the light is red.
  • The traffic congestion in the intersection does not oblige us to be overly careful.
Category : Safety


What is the imminent danger when a vehicle skids whilst driving?

  • Loss of steering ability and loss of control over the vehicle.
  • That the clutch and the driving wheels stop to function.
  • Heating and wear of the vehicle’s brakes.
  • Heating and wear of the vehicle’s tires.
Category : Safety


According to the following indications, how many vehicles are standing in front of you?

  • There is no way to know how many vehicles are in front based on the picture.
  • According to the picture, only the silver vehicle is driving in front of us.
  • There are two vehicles in front of you. There is the silver vehicle and another shadow in front of it.
  • The indications in the picture do not hint the number of vehicles in front.
Category : Safety


What are we required to ensure before starting to drive?

  • That the fuel and oil types are those required for the proper operation of the vehicle.
  • That we can operate and use the vehicle proficiently.
  • That the vehicle has spare bulbs and fuses.
  • That the vehicle received all the treatment necessary for its current maintenance.
Category : Safety


What is the correct way to check the road when starting to drive and merging with traffic?

  • Glance in the mirrors and turn our head in the direction to which we intend to drive.
  • Look as far as possible ahead.
  • Glance at the rear view mirror and make sure that there are no vehicles behind us.
  • Plan our merging with vehicle traffic near us.
Category : Safety


When you are driving a truck down a steep descent:

  • Drive down on high gear and stop the vehicle every few kilometers.
  • Drive down on neutral gear and use the brakes according to need.
  • Drive in an appropriate low gear and make sure that the vehicle’s special deceleration mechanisms are operating.
  • The use of gears to brake the vehicle is of no significance.
Category : Safety


“You are allowed to drive under the influence of alcohol, as long as you do not mix different types of drinks”: Correct or incorrect?

  • Incorrect. The determining factor is the level of alcohol in the blood in relation to the legally allowed level.
  • Correct. You can drink quite a lot of one type of intoxicating drink without becoming drunk.
  • Correct. Alcohol affects driving only when different drinks are mixed.
  • Correct. You should not mix different types of drinks before driving.
Category : Safety


Assuming that the vehicles in the following picture are functioning properly – Which traffic offence was committed according to the picture?

  • Standing and stopping between two lanes.
  • Not driving on the designated lane for your direction of driving.
  • Standing in a position that is unparallel to the separation area.
  • Standing and stopping on a traffic island and preventing the free flow of traffic.
Category : Safety


According to the picture, how are you required to conduct yourself when driving on the roadway?

  • Ignore the vehicle coming out of the dirt road and take right of way.
  • Pay attention to the vehicle coming out of the dirt road.
  • Give right of way to the vehicle coming out of the dirt road.
  • Continue driving without doing anything special.
Category : Safety


How can you manage to keep your braking distance within the range of your vehicle’s lights while driving at night?

  • By using an additional spot light to detect road hazards.
  • By using the rear fog light to reinforce your head lights beam.
  • By turning on the long-distance high beam and driving at a high speed accordingly.
  • By adjusting your driving speed to your field of vision at all times.
Category : Safety


Which driver related ability is impaired during fog?

  • Vehicle acceleration.
  • Braking.
  • Steering.
  • Vision
Category : Safety

Theory test for heavy trucksŸ

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed