
What is the correct way for changing lanes?

  • Lane change should be done in two stages: First deviating and then signaling with the hand.
  • Lane change should be done in two stages: First deviating and then communicating with the other drivers.
  • You should pass to the other lane through the shortest diagonal distance and as quickly as possible.
  • First perform a check and glance at the mirrors, then check the lane you want to pass to, verify that you can pass to it and then deviate moderately (diagonally) to the other lane.
Category : Safety


What are you always obliged to do while driving in reverse?

  • Drive in low gear, according to the road’s conditions, in a steep descent only.
  • Operate an external reverse-drive buzzer in all types of vehicles, including private cars.
  • Place a person to guide the driver, in a spot where the driver can see him.
  • Take care as well as appropriate measures to prevent danger, impact, nuisance or disturbance.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself when approaching the intersection that is depicted in the following picture?

  • Stop anyway.
  • Always accelerate when entering the intersection, in order to avoid traffic disturbance.
  • Cross it safely.
  • Slow down and even stop if necessary in order to give right-of-way.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself on the following road section?

  • Stop before the container in case pedestrians are crossing from its other side.
  • Drive faster to avoid a possibility of pedestrians crossing after the container.
  • Slow down and honk a few times before passing the line of the container.
  • The close garbage container obstructs your field of vision; hence you have to slow down.
Category : Safety


What is the correct sentence according to the following picture?

  • The road tanker driver doesn’t keep to the right of the roadway, even though he can not see the vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
  • The road tanker driver is driving far from the “soft shoulders” and in this way avoids risks.
  • The marking on the roadway is not clear enough.
  • The road tanker driver is driving correctly in the middle of the road, so that he can see better the vehicles coming from the opposite direction.
Category : Safety


“You are allowed to drive under the influence of alcohol, as long as you do not mix different types of drinks”: Correct or incorrect?

  • Incorrect. The determining factor is the level of alcohol in the blood in relation to the legally allowed level.
  • Correct. You can drink quite a lot of one type of intoxicating drink without becoming drunk.
  • Correct. Alcohol affects driving only when different drinks are mixed.
  • Correct. You should not mix different types of drinks before driving.
Category : Safety


How should one change lanes?

  • Signal with the winker and make a short diagonal deviation to the intended lane.
  • After checking and taking account of the position and speed of other vehicles in the intended lane.
  • Drive as close as possible to the desired lane, and when no vehicle drives behind you – signal with the winker and make a short diagonal deviation to the intended lane.
  • Deviate quickly and fearlessly in a short diagonal, and verify that you are signaling with the winker.
Category : Safety


How do dirty mirrors affect vehicle safety?

  • Dirt might damage the safety systems.
  • A clean vehicle helps to improve the driver’s concentration and general feeling.
  • A dirty vehicle endangers and pollutes its close environment.
  • They impair the driver’s vision.
Category : Safety


When spending time in a club (pub):

  • It should be planned to wait one hour after leaving the pub, and then there should be no danger to drive.
  • It should be agreed that the person drinking the least amount of alcohol would drive after leaving the pub.
  • A designated driver, who abstains from drinking alcohol, should be determined in advance.
  • It should be agreed that the most experienced driver would drive after leaving the pub.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself according to the situation depicted in the following picture?

  • Drive faster and quickly pass the danger on your right.
  • Move to the left lane while driving faster and paying attention to the conduct of the cyclist.
  • Slow down and pay attention to any change in the conduct of other road users.
  • Continue driving without doing anything special and give warning signals with the horn.
Category : Safety


How would you handle the following situation?

  • Slow down and overtake the cyclist, whilst maintaining proper lateral distance from him and observing his movements.
  • Drive behind the cyclist until after the intersection and then honk and pass him quickly.
  • Honk to the cyclist until he clears away from your driving lane, and pass him as quickly as possible.
  • Drive faster and overtake the cyclist before entering the intersection in which overtaking is prohibited.
Category : Safety


In order to overtake safely, the overtaking driver should:

  • Start overtaking only when the road is clear in a sufficient distance, and verify while overtaking that the road is still clear.
  • Overtake only when a sign permitting overtaking is placed.
  • Overtake in a speed that exceeds speed limit, in order to clear the road way.
  • Always overtake at a slow speed and with patience.
Category : Safety


What is the main problem a driver faces when he approaches an intersection?

  • Many tasks he needs to perform simultaneously, in a short period of time.
  • The speed limit changes in an intersection.
  • Part of the intersection is always designated for public transportation.
  • The driver’s main problem is how to cross the intersection quickly.
Category : Safety


How is a driver required to conduct himself when intending to overtake a school transport bus that stopped to pick-up and let down children?

  • Overtake the bus quickly, according to the customary overtaking stages.
  • Stop behind the bus and then overtake it.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop.
  • Honk continuously and overtake.
Category : Safety


When are we required to keep a more-than-customary distance from the vehicle driving in front of us?

  • When driving in low speed on an urban road.
  • When trucks or other heavy vehicles are in front of us.
  • Never: A distance of two seconds is always sufficient.
  • When visibility is poor, when driving on a slippery road or when we are tired.
Category : Safety


How would you respond to the indications in the following picture?

  • Swerve left and accelerate to avoid hitting passengers that are about to get out of the vehicle.
  • Continue driving normally.
  • Slow down and be prepared to stop, in order to avoid hitting the open door.
  • Honk loudly and continuously and swerve left, to avoid hitting the opening door.
Category : Safety


What are you required to do when during a night drive you are confronted with a vehicle that doesn’t dip its lights and blinds you?

  • Slow down and keep as much as possible to the right.
  • Turn on the high beam to overcome the blinding effect of the other vehicle.
  • Drive faster to shorten the duration of being blinded.
  • Keep driving with a low beam at your current course and speed
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself in the following road conditions?

  • Stay in low gear while keeping to the right.
  • Turn on the high beam, because of the shadow on the roadway.
  • Enter the curve carefully and increase speed when going downhill.
  • Honk, because of the obstructed field of vision in the curve.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself in the following situation?

  • Honk and bypass the children as if you are overtaking a parked vehicle.
  • Slightly swerve to the right and bypass the children quickly.
  • Glance at the mirrors, slow down and stop if required..
  • Don’t disturb the children, you are driving in a play street.
Category : Safety


The auxiliary (parking/hand) brake is used by the driver:

  • To reinforce the braking force of the service (foot) brake.
  • Only new drivers use the auxiliary brake.
  • To assist the driver when he begins driving on a steep uphill climb only.
  • To secure his vehicle from any movement.
Category : Safety


How would you behave on the road ahead?

  • The number of lanes is decreasing; stay on your driving lane.
  • The number of lanes is decreasing; move to the right lane and keep to your right.
  • The number of lanes is increasing; choose the middle lane.
  • The number of lanes is increasing; choose the left lane.
Category : Safety


What is a driver required to do after driving through a puddle and dampening the brakes?

  • He shouldn’t do anything. There is no connection between water and the braking system.
  • Drive fast to dry the brakes.
  • Tow the vehicle to the nearest garage.
  • Drive very slowly until the brakes dry out and resume normal functioning.
Category : Safety


What might be the cause of loss of control of a vehicle?

  • Driving too fast and not wearing seatbelts.
  • Driving too fast, lack of vigilance and being unfamiliar with the vehicle.
  • Driving too fast and having non-functional head rests.
  • Driving at a reasonable speed and being unfamiliar with the vehicle’s mechanisms only.
Category : Safety


How would you conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Cyclists are of no danger to vehicles. Drive normally when they are nearby.
  • The cyclist is not stable and is affected by the fast vehicles passing by. Slow down when approaching him.
  • When passing by cyclists, drive faster to reduce the period of conflict with them.
  • When passing by cyclists, honk a few times to have their attention.
Category : Safety


How are you required to conduct yourself according to the following picture?

  • Keep driving routinely when the road is clear.
  • Pass quickly next to the road sign.
  • Slow down and keep to the right; winding road ahead.
  • Honk before entering the curve.
Category : Safety


According to the following indications, how many vehicles are standing in front of you?

  • There is no way to know how many vehicles are in front based on the picture.
  • According to the picture, only the silver vehicle is driving in front of us.
  • There are two vehicles in front of you. There is the silver vehicle and another shadow in front of it.
  • The indications in the picture do not hint the number of vehicles in front.
Category : Safety


What is the risk in braking while being forced to pull onto the “hard shoulder”?

  • The Vehicle may spin as a result of braking on different types of road surfaces that have different grades of friction.
  • Loss of steering ability as a result of excessive air pressure in the tires.
  • Loss of steering ability as a result of excessive brake use.
  • Vehicle spinning, because its front wheels become locked.
Category : Safety


Why are you required to be more careful while driving after dark?

  • The duty of care only applies under conditions of fog and rain.
  • The duty of care applies only in case of blinding.
  • Because visibility (seeing and being seen) is limited.
  • You are not required to be extra cautious during the dark.
Category : Safety


What are the tedious driving conditions described in the following picture?

  • Wet road, poor visibility and heavy traffic.
  • Due to the weather conditions the traffic sign is not clear.
  • A camera is installed in the intersection; therefore it is not permitted to cross when the light is red.
  • The traffic congestion in the intersection does not oblige us to be overly careful.
Category : Safety


What shoukd a driver check after driving through deep water on the road?

  • If the brakes work efficiently.
  • If the lights work.
  • If the engine works.
  • No need of any of the cheks.
Category : Safety

Theory test for trucks (lorry)

There are 30 questions you have 40 minutes to answer, at the end of the exam time The test result will be displayed